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'The Greatest Path in Life'

Warrior Wisdom and Affirmations

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Discover The Philosophy...
The Practice...

Deep Energy Meditation

The Philosophy of Feeling Good

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The eternal truth is... some spiritual teachers tend to complicate things for you by telling you meditation is a special skill you need to learn. I tell you, if you have the capacity to love yourself unconditionally, to journey joyfully within, to connect with your own eternal essence and energy field, to be marveled by whatever form this one and only moment of all creation takes, and to listen to and follow your heart no matter where it leads you... that is meditation.



Deep Energy Meditation Course $222

Course Includes:

5 Modules/Chapters and 21 Lessons

Each Lesson Includes: 21 Video Tutorials & 21 Downloadable PDFs

*Bonus eBooks:
*Holistic Soul-Healing ~ (My Life's Work!) ~ 17 Chapters & 199 Pages
*An Eternal And Unconditional Life ~ 5 Chapters & 48 Pages
*The Philosophy of Feeling Good ~ 25 Pages

*The Greatest Path in Life ~ 12 Pages

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Welcome🙏So thankful you're here dear soul friend😍

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*4 Bonus eBooks, complimentary with your purchase of your Lifetime Deep Energy Meditation Course...

*Bonus eBook #1:

Holistic Soul-Healing

The Path, Practice, and Philosophy of Feeling Good

Book Cover - Holistic Soul-Healing

*Bonus eBook #2:

An Eternal And Unconditional Life

Self-Empowered, Awakened, and Aligned

eBook Cover, An Eternal and Unconditional Life
eBook Contents, An Eternal and Unconditional Life

*Bonus eBook #3:

The Philosophy of Feeling Good

Holistic Soul-Healing & Deep Energy Meditation

eBook Cover, An Eternal and Unconditional Life
eBook, Page #1, The Philosophy of Feeling Good

*Bonus eBook #4:

The Greatest Path in Life

Spiritual Warrior Wisdom & Affirmations

eBook Cover, The Greatest Path in Life
eBook, Page 1 - The Greatest Path in Life

Deep Energy Meditation

The Philosophy of Feeling Good

21 Lessons Including: 21 Video Tutorials & 21 Downloadable PDFs

Deep Energy Meditation Course Picture

In this course I share with you my Life's Work, my passion, and my wisdom that can lead to profound spiritual awakening and transformation.

Discover amazing insights and inspirations as you take a journey in Holistic Soul-Healing, and alignment with your eternal Self and Source.

Graduate from incessant thought, anxiety, depression, and suffering.

Find relief on a new path and practice.

Start to feel good all day, everyday.

Learn how to redirect your attention, love, and energy to your eternal energy field and transform your life forever.

Reconnect with who you really are by discovering The Philosophy of Feeling Good.

*Begin Your Journey Now...

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In-Person Session

Want to be the center of attention? It's all about you. Want to feel as comfortable as possible? Choose a time and place to meet with me and let's see if I can assist you on your path of healing and Self discovery.

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Phone/Zoom Session

Want to schedule a 1-on-1 phone call or Zoom meeting with Dakshina? Receive guidance on your path and practice; and be supported on your spiritual journey? Start finding relief and feeling good all the time.

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Courses & eBooks

Want to raise your vibration and level of consciousness? Want to feel good, and empower your life, through the path of Holistic Soul-Healing and the practice of Deep Energy Meditation? You can here...

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The Greatest Path in Life

Spiritual Warrior Wisdom and Affirmations

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I know you have an amazing story to share...

Here you can discover a profound spiritual path, practice, and philosophy for spiritual awakening, transformation, and ascension to occur within this life incarnation.

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