Vitamins and Energy... How they both play a big part in our life's work...
The eternal truth is… life is all about energy, and discovering the greatest assets in life that can support you on your path, and practice, as you pursue your life’s passion, purpose, and calling.
The eternal truth is... energy carries inherent momentum. This momentum within energy plays a really big part in our life's work. When we strengthen our connection to the universe, and align with Source energy, we begin to allow, and attract all that’s meant to come into our life. And the eternal truth is... vitamins can enhance and sustain our energy throughout the todays of our life here in the physical realm… in this life incarnation.
Step #2: Order My Amazing, Deep Energy Meditation Course!
The eternal truth is... my heart light leads me where it needs me, and it led me to you. In other words, our inner being and higher Self leads us (whether we realize it or not --- infinite intelligence runs the show) --- and guides us where we need to go. So, we might as well sit back, get out of our own way, and enjoy the show!
Every eternal truth... the essence of divine light, unconditional love, and eternal life within, holds sacred light, and meaning, for all being, especially intelligent, and conscious, life. May you be open to the essence of the eternal truth... so you can discover, awaken to, align with, and appreciate the joy of being life itself.
Dakshina ~ Creator & Facilitator
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